Welcome to Hepatitis Delta Virus Database (HDVdb)

The Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Database, HDVdb contains comprehensive data on HDV genetic sequences that allows the researchers to investigate the genetic variability of the virus. The HDV database strives to present HDV-associated sequences,as well as providing access to the central database via web-accessible search interfaces and supplying a number of analysis tools.

HDV_GenomeHDV Information

Taxonomy: Group V ((-)ssRNA); Family Unassigned; Deltavirus; Hepatitis D virus
Virion: 36 nm, spherical and enveloped
Genome: 1.68 kilobase circular, single-stranded RNA
Proteome: single ORF codes for two isoforms, S-HDAg (195aa) and L-HDAg (214aa)
Infection: initiates by HBsAg protein interacting with cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans
Transmission: infects humans via sexual contact, blood, maternal-neonatal
Phylogeny: 8 distinct genotypes identified
Epidemiology: 15 to 20 million infected worldwide
Associated Diseases: Fulminant acute hepatitis, severe chronic active hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma
Vaccine: Vaccine against HBV protects also from HDV
Treatment: The current Interferon treatment has little effect on elimination of HDV in chronic infections

Search Database

Please use the following search by filter methods below to download filtered datasets. Alternatively complete dataset can be downloaded directly from the download page.

Input Example:

Please write the search query in following format:

For Country write only: "Country_name" for example --> Germany

For Accession write GenBank accession number only: for example --> MH457150
or multiple sequences as comma separated --> MH457149,MH457150

For Date write: Year_From-Year_To for example --> 2005-2020
for only one year please write 2010-2010

For Genotype write: Genotype Number, for example --> Genotype 3

Note: Please make sure to follow the above syntax for search. Alternately, full datasets can be downloaded from Download section.

Note: Please note that partial sequences are not extensively annotated and therefore Genotype, Country, and Date is not available for all of the sequences.